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Summer Storm Safety

Summer has its sunny upsides (poolside popsicles, anyone?), but it is not the time to let your guard down with weather-related precautions. In addition to extreme heat indexes, severe weather events like thunderstorms, floods, and hurricanes can also damper summer fun.  August is a notorious month when it comes to summer storms. Here’s what you need to know about staying safe during weather-related events and what to do if personally impacted during a storm.  Staying Safe During Floods  According to the U.S .Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), floods are the most deadly aspect...

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NCHCMM Preview – Join Us Virtually August 16-19!

As the COVID-19 pandemic smolders on, and a new viral monkeypox outbreak has entered the scene, effectively communicating health information has never been more important. Now, more than ever, a meeting of the minds can help create connections and build bridges in this vital space.  For these reasons—and many more—we are excited to invite public health communicators to the 2022 National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing and Media (NCHCMM), spanning August 16 to 18. Even if you can’t be with us in person in Atlanta, you can still catch us virtually to soak up all of the latest news...

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Monkeypox Updates: Vaccine Information and Campaign to Rename Virus

If you feel like the amount of attention being paid to the current global monkeypox viral outbreak has crescendoed in recent weeks, you are right. The monkeypox virus, which has been endemic to certain areas of Africa for decades, has been transmitting in unusual places, and many public health systems are bracing themselves for what comes next.  Here’s what you need to know about the current monkeypox outbreak, including where the United States currently stands, vaccine information, and the campaign to rename the virus.  How Have Global and Domestic Public Health Systems Been Responding to...

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Back-to-School Health Checklist

As summer comes to an end, many parents across the U.S. are preparing their kids for the new school year. This includes routine health checkups that can help ensure your children are up to date on their immunizations, ready to play sports, and emotionally and mentally fit to handle any challenges that may come their way next year.  Here is a list of resources for your children’s back-to-school health needs.  Immunizations  Keeping your children up to date on vaccines and immunizations can reduce their risk for infectious diseases and illnesses that can often circulate among kids at school....

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Novavax Vaccine Info

Novavax is a COVID-19 vaccine approved for use in adults 18 years and older. It is currently being used in more than 40 countries and was authorized by the FDA on July 13, 2022, for emergency use in the United States. Here’s everything you need to know about Novavax and the latest data about its safety and efficacy.  What Is Novavax?  Novavax is a vaccine for adults 18 and older that may prevent COVID-19 caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is a two-dose vaccine that requires each dose to be given three weeks apart.  According to the FDA, Novavax contains...

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